
Our software factory is dedicated to the development of web and mobile applications by means of a multidisciplinary team with experts in different languages, technologies and specialties. To this end, our team has graphic developers who are experts in developing web and mobile prototypes, as well as experts in backend, frontend and administrative panels, with expertise in technologies such as node, php, laravel, vue.js, react.js and Flutter, as well as diverse Content Management Systems. Additionally, our team offers the close leadership of experienced Project Managers for the complete and timely achievement of our clients' needs.

Windows Apple & Ios Android

Mobile First

Our approach for developing most of our sotfware solutions is "mobile first", adjusting to global trends in modern practice and to the needs of our customers, without neglecting those projects which by their nature are primarily developed for desktop use.

Design is our Priority

Design is as important as functionality in the highly competitive markets we operate. We understand that our clients' ventures shall not only standout for their practicality, but also for their beauty and singularity.







Our agile methodologies allow our team to acheive timely and precise products as envisioned by our clients, reacting rapidly to unexpected challenges or adjusting to new requirements issued by our clients.

Our clients Portfolio

About Us

With over 40 years in market, DIMA beholds proven experience in the IT sector. We are known as a reliable, highly competitive and innovative company. Our clients make up the most important business sectors of the country. With a high degree of client satisfaction assurred by our ISO 9001 management system, DIMA is your best bet for your next project.

Demonstrable experience.

Dozens of succesfully executed development projects.

Specialized Team

Employees with different specialties and professional experience.

Laravel, vue, react, php, Flutter.

Software factory with experts in php, Laravel, vue.js, react.js and Flutter.

Experts en Business Solutions

Experts in deployment of Microsoft Business Solutions: ERP, CRM and BI.

Do you need an estimate for your project?

To launch an idea to the market, it's essential to know your costs and timeline.

Sites for all budgets. Check out our pre-made templates. These are templates whose structure is fixed and you choose your graphic design.